Friday, October 25, 2013

5 Positive Thoughts As You Search For Success

The road to success is not smooth. Making something out of yourself in our high rising society can be intimidating. With all of the stress that the world puts on becoming successful, we can often get discouraged.
Keeping a positive mind will set you down the right track to obtain the goals you aspire to achieve. Keeping these 10 thoughts in your mind daily will simultaneously intertwine subtle excitement for the future into your daily life and add confidence into to your future.
Here are five positive thoughts which will put you on the path of greatness as yo move towards reaching your goals.
1. Realize that greatness does not happen overnight
As a society that has grown well-acquainted to the demand for quick access, we often forget that a career is not something that we can receive at a drive-thru. Of course it is frustrating to desire something so badly and feel as if it will take years to obtain it.
But, that long wait provides a perfect amount of time for us to exercise our love for what we are looking to achieve. If you continue to strive for the same goal, no matter how long it takes, then you are truly dedicated to what it is that you want.
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”
-Earl Nightingale
2. Rejection is inevitable, but it shouldn’t stop you from achieving what you want
Every day, millions of people hesitantly step into the world of business, fashion, medicine, etc. These hopefuls ironically fear what can go wrong rather than what can go right. While the emptiness that rejection leaves us with is like a gash to the heart, it is also a wake-up call.
Being turned down from one company does not mean you are not suitable for the job. Being turned away from your top choice of college does not mean you do not have potential or brains. It is up to YOU to take that rejection, toss it to the side, pick yourself up, and go out and try again. Look at it as a bump in the road rather than a dead end.
Let rejection build you up, not negatively dictate your future. Afterall, Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking creativity.”
3. Be an opportunists as they set the grounds for society
Those who go out there and make the best of what life has to offer are the happiest. You may get the feeling that there will be no more job openings or internships in your field by the time you are eligible for them. Right? Wrong.
We live in a prosperous world that grows with every passing minute. There will always be new opportunities out there. If you mold yourself into one of these kind of people, you will eventually and surely receive what it is you are looking for. Opportunities are everywhere. Seek and you shall find.
4. Know that taking risks isn’t always bad
Taking your confidence and turning it I to risk taking is an excellent attribute. Risks are scary to most, for it takes one out of their comfort zone. This being said, stepping out of your comfort zone is a step in the right direction. Life begins when you remove yourself from what you’re used to.
Tell yourself that it’s okay to enter new territories! Travel. Take chances. Do something that you’re scared of. Set up a job interview with a prestigious company. Put yourself out there without fear.
5. Reward yourself  when you reach a milestone
The road to your future doesn’t have to be strictly stiff business. Giving yourself leeway for pleasure will help you stay on track. Set smaller goals on the road to your large goal. When you land an internship, treat yourself to a nice pair of shoes.
When you get a raise, reward yourself with that watch you’ve always wanted. Praising yourself for your accomplishments will help you stay focused to keep working as hard as you can. Remember that you are a human and humans need self-fulfillment to progress.


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