Monday, November 18, 2013

Job Interviews: How to Demonstrate Positive Attitude

A good attitude should be oozing out of you when you walk into an interview room. It should be the first thing that the interviewer notices about you. Say for example you walk in to the interview room and there’s a glass of water on the table. Innocently the interviewer asks you how you would describe the glass. Half empty or half full?

If you have that good old attitude of a optimist, you will obviously smile and say half full because that is how you see it. The pessimist is likely to frown and say half empty. To cut the story short, where the optimist sees opportunity (half full) the pessimist sees failure (half empty) A famous quote stipulates that; Attitude is contagious. Is yours worth catching?
The benefits of having a positive attitude cannot be ignored. You will find that when you have a positive attitude you will often find solutions to problems. If you say the glass is half empty, it means you only see the negatives or the failures but the person who says half full is one who can be described as a person who sees potential.
A positive attitude can help you woo the interviewer. For example, how enthusiastic are your about a job on the offer.  Are you very enthusiastic maybe? Or are you there to get it over with and return home and hope for a call?
Showing positive attitude in Job Interviews
It’s advisable to illustrate your energy and enthusiasm for the position by maintaining eye contact and providing non-verbal feedback like nodding your head every now and then, smiling sparingly and paying strict attention to your body language and how you articulate your words.
Having a positive attitude determines how you are going to answer the questions asked. A person  with a negative attitude will probably tend to bad mouth their previous bosses, saying how they were never allowed to have their time to shine or how their success was undermined but a person who sees things in a different light no matter the circumstances surrounding  their previous jobs will not delve into complaining.
You should always remember that potential employers are trying to gauge how well you can handle situation, what’s your attitude towards certain things. In general an attitude of whatever kind whether positive or negative helps the interviewer know the kind of person that you are and from that reading they can get to know the sort of person they are bringing on board.
Do not be afraid to let the interviewer see that you are excited about the interview and potential position. Enthusiasm can be a positive asset during the job interview.
Letting the interviewers see this enthusiasm will illustrate that you are a passionate person. Bringing a high level of passion to the job can help you perform to the highest level. Ensuring that the interviewer take notice of your enthusiasm in a positive way, which can help you standout and land the job.
Be careful not to go overboard, during the interview process. Showing fake or forced enthusiasm can be damaging. When you show enthusiasm, it is important that you be sincere. Insincerity may get you remembered but not in a positive way. At the same time, if you speak in a very bubbly, cheerful manner then you may want to tone it down.
A positive attitude can also be demonstrated by how you walk into a room. Are you slugging, no smile in place, hunched shoulders? Not a good Idea. Push your shoulders back and walk  with your head held high, sit upright with your back supported and don’t slouch, believe in what you tell the interviewer, this small thing as they may appear speak volumes as far as your attitude is concerned. Remember, attitudes are contagious, is your worth catching.


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