Friday, October 11, 2013

6 Discouraging Thoughts That Blocks Your Destiny

By Dorcas Karuana,
As a man thinks so is he.’  Your mind is a reflection of your thinking. The power of positive thinking can give life to your dreams and change your destiny.  The human mind is wonderful and powerful, but it’s far from perfect.  Too often we are addicted to our thoughts, and we can’t change anything in our lives if we can’t change our thinking.  If you want to move forward with your life, you must change your mind and get these thoughts OUT of it:
Today, make it a point to defragment your consciousness and center your spirit on positive, productive thoughts.  Whatever you do, don’t get stuck on the one thing that ruins your day.  Smile and be grateful.  Life is too short to waste on negativity and destructive thinking.
1. Life sucks and that’s just the way it is - The mind can be the harshest battleground. Don’t think yourself into a nervous breakdown, into depression, into hopeless defeat. If you’re being negative when you’re alone, the warfare is in your mind. Tell the negativity committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up. Always remember that you can’t change what has happened, but you can choose how you’re going to deal with it.
2. Those haters are right about me - Be wise enough to walk away from the negativity around you; don’t let it infect your thinking.  Don’t let someone else’s negative opinion ruin your reality. YOU decide how your soul grows. When the people around you give you every reason to be negative, think of one good reason to be positive.  There’s always something to be grateful for.
3. The way it is now is the way it will always be- Don’t confuse your path with your destination.  Just because it’s stormy now, doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for sunshine.  You write your own destiny through the choices you make.  You become what you repeatedly do.  It is more important to know where you are going and why, than to get there quickly. Every time you are tempted to react to the same old circumstances in the same old way, ask yourself, “Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?”
4. Life is supposed to be easy- Nothing worthwhile in life was meant to be easy; learn to take it easy with your expectations in this area. Facing challenges and working through them, that’s what makes you strong.  Don’t expect things to be given to you.  Go out and achieve them!  It’s the only sane way to deal with life’s challenges.  If it’s worth having, it’s worth working for. So stop wishing for it and start working for it.  Talk is cheap.  Action is priceless.
5. I just can’t stand X, Y and Z! - Today, let your small annoyances go.  At any given moment, the way you feel is the way you choose to feel, and the way you react is the way you choose to react. Move through your day consciously and make an effort to notice at least one insignificant little frustration that you would normally get frustrated about.  Then do yourself a favor and simply let it go.
6. It’s too late.  I missed my chance - Be done with regrets; they are an excuse for people who have given up.  You are still here trying and growing.  Life is about learning from the past, trusting your intuition going forward, taking chances, finding moments of happiness, and realizing everything is simply a lesson that happens for a reason. Don’t stress over what could’ve been; chances are if it should’ve been, it would’ve been.  Focus on the present; you have a lot to look forward to in it
What would you add to the list?  What negative thoughts and destructive thinking traps do you struggle with?  Leave a comment below and share your thoughts .


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