Friday, November 15, 2013

KNH Human Resource Consultant Job

Consultant Jobs in Kenya

Kenyatta National Hospital
Expression of Interest
The Kenyatta National Hospital is a state corporation whose mission is to provide accessible, specialized health care, facilitate medical Training, research and participate in National health planning.
The Hospital desires to carry out human resource consultancy services on job evaluation and Training needs assessment.
Purpose of the Consultancy
The purpose of the consultancy is to develop a functional organization structure, size and jobs for appropriate reward and remuneration, describe each job role, put value on jobs and establish an objective job hierarchy that reflects equity of all the jobs at the Board.
The consultancy is also expected to carry out a skills Audit and competency mapping, identify gaps in the existing knowledge, skills and attitudes and recommend relevant and focused training, to fill the gaps.
Scope of the Consultancy on Job Evaluation
The consulting services will involve but not limited to undertaking of the following:-
Reviewing of the current organizational structure that supports the Board’s strategic plan, succession plans with a requisite span of control while reviewing the names of the job titles that resonate with the near similar bodies in the market.
Evaluation of the current staff establishment and advising the Board on the optimal staffing levels taking into account the Board’s expansion plans and alternative funding mix while embracing an enabling and secure automated environment and in addition highlight the duties of each job holder in line with the Board’s strategic plan of 2013-2018.
Evaluate the current job descriptions and establish any additional duties and responsibilities that reflect the qualifications and experience.
Establishing of a standard procedure for determining the relative worth of each job based on work performance and responsibilities.
Reviewing and recommending a salary banding progression criteria based on the cost of living and staff performance.
Developing and promoting a fair and accurate consideration for career progress and growth for all cadres( Schemes of Service)
Developing a structure that reflects how divisions/departments/sections are holistically streamlined for effective synergy.
Building internal capacity for job evaluation to ensure that in future jobs in the Board are continuously evaluated.
Model a performance management framework for effective employee reward.
To undertake a comprehensive Training Need Assessment so as to identify training gaps.
To undertake employees’ skills and competences audit.
Prepare and submit a report detailing the skill and competency gaps and recommendations to address the gaps.
The Kenyatta National Hospital Board hereby therefore invites interested, eligible Human Resource consultancy firms with relevant experiences to submit their Expression of Interest for the provision of this service.
Interested firms must provide the following:-
Detailed Company profile including CV’s of 4 key staff demonstrating technical capability to undertake the assignment. The lead consultant should possess a minimum of a master’s degree in the relevant field.
Provide proof of having conducted assignments of similar nature with reputable clients (at least 3) in the last five years preferably in the public sector. Attach respective recommendation letters.
Must submit copies of tax compliance certification, PIN, Certificate of incorporation/registration
The Expression of interest shall be enclosed in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked PROVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTANCY SERVICES’ and deposited in the Tender Box located at ground floor at the entrance of the KNH administration block , or sent by post to:-
The Chief Executive Officer.
Kenyatta National Hospital
P.O. Box 20723 – 00202
So as to reach not later than 22nd November 2013 at 10.00 a.m.
The EOI’s submitted later than the indicated closing date and time shall be automatically disqualified.
Opening of the submitted Expression of Interest will take place immediately on the same date at the Administration Block and consultants or their representatives are allowed to witness the opening.
Only shortlisted firms who meet the requirements stated above shall be invited to submit the proposals.
Chief Executive Officer


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