Saturday, November 16, 2013

5 Tips for Handling That Annoying Know-It-All Co-Worker

There is always that person who everyone hates working with because of their domineering character. If you find yourself with a person who is the sole generator of ideas and insists of everyone following them you should know that is a know-it- all.

The worst mistake would be to argue with such people instead follow the tips below and all will be well.
1.    Under no circumstance should you bother arguing: You can never win an argument against such a person, Mr. Know-it-all is a skilled pocket lawyer and nothing can sway his position. The best thing to do would be to talk to him gently and try a little gentle coercion via humor.
2.    Try being a friend: Approach him in a friendly manner, show him some appreciation and acknowledge his opinion then gently slide in your opinion as a suggestion. This is the only way he will reason with you.
3.    Talk to him about their behavior: When you get an opportunity to talk to him in a different set up that is appropriate, try and address his behavior gently explaining how it affects productivity.
Know it all
Try to approach the know it all in a friendly manner
4.    Know when to fight and when not to: Be wise in choosing your battles. If you keep fighting with Mr. Know-it-all he will begin to perceive you as an enemy and this will affect your working relationship.
5.    Get your facts handy ahead of any confrontation:Whenever you need to confront Mr. Know-it-all do your homework. Do not talk to him if you do not have your facts right as he may intimidate you with his voice and words.
6.    Ask him strategic questions: Do not just raise you voice as you confront him try to maintain your cool so as to drive you point home. As him strategic questions relating to his methods and the results they produce. Be specific and downright logical.
I bet now you can handle a Mr. Know-it-all.


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