Thursday, September 12, 2013

3 Ways How To Make The Most Of Your “Not- Your- Dream” Job

“My dream job is to work for Kenya Airways” …. “Mine is to work for Barclays” …… “Guys, you are forgetting about me, my dream job is to work for Nation Media Group”…. “What are you guys talking about? My dream job is to become an entrepreneur.”
Sounds like a conversation you’ve had in the past or heard people go on and on about their dream jobs?
It’s good to dream and talk about dream jobs but what do you do when you are stuck in a going nowhere kind of job in ‘unknown’ company?
Many of us took the first job we could find because we needed to pay our bills. We went to school and worked hard to land our dream jobs straight out of college.
Most of us probably didn’t go to college to become what we are doing today. But think about it…it might not be your dream job but don’t make the mistake of thinking that working in one of those roles is a terrible thing.
Here is what to do when you find yourself not waking up in the morning to go to not- your –dream- job.
1.What Can You Learn In This Particular Job?
Take a look around your job and see what you can learn. Are you doing more than it’s in your duties and responsibilities?
It is good to know the ins and outs of a business….you should be helping with the accounts…maybe you should try to sit in on meetings…learn how a product is made and marketed and so on.
For example if you are work as an administrator you schedule meetings, make phone calls, and get the mail, but that doesn’t mean your work should stop there
Maybe your dream is to become an entrepreneur, but without formal experience of how an actual business thinks about operations, who knows? Your education in that job now could be very beneficial to your future endeavors.
2Make Contacts..You Just Never know…
It’s important to make valuable contacts at your current job. You will need this contacts later to serve as a reference or even land you a higher position.
In a job market where a sea of people have degrees for just about everything under the sun, experience is going to be what makes you stand out from the crowd.
Use your time wisely to learn all that you can and be involved at your current job. The skill set you gain from that is worth much more than you think.
3. Find a Mentor
Forget about that dream job…your first ‘ real’world job is where you will find a great mentor.  Perhaps it’s your boss who started a company on his or her own, knows everything there is to know about an industry, or has been managing others for years.
Or perhaps it’s your co-worker who has been around the company awhile and can really teach you a thing or two.
Regardless of who it may be, finding a mentor is a great way to learn and gain some much needed experience.
All the best  in finding that dream job….


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