By Dorcas Karuana,
All of us are marketers whether you are in IT, Sales, Human resource, hospitality… to mention but a few. At one point in life all of us have had or will have to pass through a job search process where you have to go through an interview. The truth is in the competitive market people are going back to school to add their knowledge or taking a short course to add their skills. This is then followed by a good professional CV and cover letter.
However, beyond your papers and experience, there is much more you need to put for you to get that job. Yes, your education is important; certainly, your experience is important; and, most definitely, your attitude is important in landing a job in today’s questionable job market. Have you ever taken into consideration, what your presentation skills are saying about you?
How you present yourself goes a lot further than how you look. I am talking about your voice, your facial expression, and your body language. These aspects of your ‘presentation’ speak volumes about you. The problem may be, however, that the volumes are saying the wrong thing. For example; if you voice quivers when you talk, then you are telling the interviewer that you are nervous, if you mumble when you speak, you sound lazy, if you talk with a heavy accent, then you may not be understood. Also, if your voice is wimpy or weak, then you project an image of wimpy or weak or if you cannot answer many of the questions asked, then you are not prepared. If you speak in a monotone, then you sound boring.
1.Prepare- The only huge secret to delivering a compelling presentation during an interview is to prepare yourself ahead of time. Those who are prepared for such competitive moments in life will perform better because they will be more confident and self-assured. Preparation and knowledge are the pre-requisites for a successful presentation, but confidence and control are just as important.
Good preparation is the key to confidence, which is the key to you being relaxed, and this settles the butterflies. Preparing means you plan it, and practise it. Then you’ll be in control, and confident. Your interviewer will see this and respond accordingly buy striking a conversation. This in turn will help build your confidence, and dare we imagine, you might even start to enjoy yourself too.
2. Get a friend to check your handshake to ensure that it is neither the ‘wet fish’ nor the ‘knuckle-crusher’. A good handshake should be vertically palm to palm, with a firm grip, while maintaining eye contact.
3. Use non- verbal or Body Language- Your body language conveys a lot about you. Keep your body language open and relaxed. Closed hand movements and crossed arms give the impression of being defensive. By sitting comfortably with your back against the chair you will appear confident. For posture: sit erect without learning on the desk or slouching in the chair, but don’t be stiff and tense.
4. Good eye contact- Always make eye contact when you speak, but avoid continuous staring. Don’t use too many hand movements and frequent change of facial expressions not in relation to words you have expressed
Although you may be nervous, If you find that difficult, use pauses to help you pace what you are saying. Deep breathing while waiting will also help you relax.
5. Good presenting is about entertaining as well as conveying information. If you are hoping to make the best impression possible, do not leave your presentation skills to chance. Today’s job market is tough; and, securing that position over all the other candidates is tougher still. If your education and experience are up to the task at hand, you can win the competition with presentation skills that speak for you and not against you.
Dorcas is a Human Resource Consultant at Corporate Staffing Services Limited. Email: Website:
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