By Angela Wahome,
Whether you are looking for a new job or just keeping your CV updated. Here are some tips to get you CV to stand out and to get noticed.
1. Write it all down
Start with a big list on a sheet of paper on which you shall include all your duties and responsibilities. Keep this list separate, it will come in handy when you need to adjust your CV To highlight different and responsibilities that you had in the workplace. Keeping a work journal is a great way to keep track of these things.
2. Do not write unnecessary details
Marital Status: Married with 3 children. The part in italics is completely irrelevant on a CV.
3. Avoid over used phrases
Honest, hardworking, God fearing young lady…..Most of the time you write a CV you present the information in front of the people that are going to recruit you. They are the ones that need to make the decisions.
4. Quantify your application
Make sure you are able to indicate on your CV the information that shows you are able to do your job well. For instance, increased profit for the organization in two months by 50%.
5. Ensure you CV has key words on it
Make sure that you write your CV well. A sentence like , Pick up the phone and talked to callers, differs greatly from, Answered clients enquiries and directed calls to the relevant department.
6. Proof read your CV from the bottom up
This makes sure that you get a different perspective as it makes you pay attention to each individual word.
7. Use different CV for different jobs
This is important as you will target each company and present yourself the best way that you can for each opportunity. Writing CVs can be tricky. If you find that you get stuck you may go to a professional for assistance.
8. Know what problems that company has
This will allow you to present yourself as the solution. This will be an advantage, especially if you can understand the industry, company, job and the economy. Capitalise on being the solution for this organization.
9. Make sure you include trainings
Often people take for granted the in house training, or on the job training that they receive. This is practical and can help you secure a job as you are able to convince employers that you can do the job well.
10. Test your CV before you begin to use it
Find a person or two, that you can take your CV to and ask them to tell you about what they believe you do after reading your CV. This will give you an indication about how easy your CV is to understand.
CVs are one of the key building blocks of a job search create your well and you will find that you will outshine.
Whether you are looking for a new job or just keeping your CV updated. Here are some tips to get you CV to stand out and to get noticed.
1. Write it all down
Start with a big list on a sheet of paper on which you shall include all your duties and responsibilities. Keep this list separate, it will come in handy when you need to adjust your CV To highlight different and responsibilities that you had in the workplace. Keeping a work journal is a great way to keep track of these things.
2. Do not write unnecessary details
Marital Status: Married with 3 children. The part in italics is completely irrelevant on a CV.
3. Avoid over used phrases
Honest, hardworking, God fearing young lady…..Most of the time you write a CV you present the information in front of the people that are going to recruit you. They are the ones that need to make the decisions.
4. Quantify your application
Make sure you are able to indicate on your CV the information that shows you are able to do your job well. For instance, increased profit for the organization in two months by 50%.
Make sure that you write your CV well. A sentence like , Pick up the phone and talked to callers, differs greatly from, Answered clients enquiries and directed calls to the relevant department.
6. Proof read your CV from the bottom up
This makes sure that you get a different perspective as it makes you pay attention to each individual word.
7. Use different CV for different jobs
This is important as you will target each company and present yourself the best way that you can for each opportunity. Writing CVs can be tricky. If you find that you get stuck you may go to a professional for assistance.
8. Know what problems that company has
This will allow you to present yourself as the solution. This will be an advantage, especially if you can understand the industry, company, job and the economy. Capitalise on being the solution for this organization.
9. Make sure you include trainings
Often people take for granted the in house training, or on the job training that they receive. This is practical and can help you secure a job as you are able to convince employers that you can do the job well.
10. Test your CV before you begin to use it
Find a person or two, that you can take your CV to and ask them to tell you about what they believe you do after reading your CV. This will give you an indication about how easy your CV is to understand.
CVs are one of the key building blocks of a job search create your well and you will find that you will outshine.
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