Friday, October 11, 2013

3 Lessons From County Rep Shoe Shiner Who Cleans Public Toilets

By Tabitha Makumi,
‘Why’ is the question that came to mind when I first saw the story of one Moses Gichangi who is a Flamingo Ward Representative in Nakuru County
Why would a person earning at least Sh200,000 a month continue with his previous job of washing toilets and shining shoes for people who should be calling call him mheshimiwa?
Who does that?
Most of us would quit the job the minute we are elected into office and never look back but not Moses Gichangi.  Come to think of it, how many job seekers who have gone to universities and colleges are willing to do this kind of job?
That kind of job is beneath us is the kind of response you are likely to get if you asked around….if only they knew what Moses makes in a day……how much you ask? A whooping Sh3,000 a day!
Here are lessons to learn from this man whose story if you’ve read the Bible is similar to that of Jesus washing his disciples feet.
Shouldn’t the disciples have been washing Jesus feet? Shouldn’t the people of Flamingo Ward be cleaning the toilets for Moses?
Anyway, here we go…..
1. Don’t be too choosy with the kind of jobs you are willing to take.
Did you know that you could make Sh3, 000 a day from washing toilets and cleaning shoes? I didn’t know that!
Truth is there are so many job seekers in Kenya who are still jobless because they have turned down jobs that they believe  are ‘beneath’ them.
They say, I have my degree, why would I be doing that kind of job. Well, Moses Gichangi has a Bachelors degree in Business Administration from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and we don’t see him complaining.
Sometimes you will have to do what a man got to do to make a living.
2. Forget about what people are going to say
There’s always that fear which we all have about what people are going to say about us if we take a different route from what they were expecting.
You know what they say, people will always talk whether you are doing good or bad.
During the political campaigns Mr Gichangi says he didn’t bother with people who labeled him a toilet cleaner in a bid to make Kenyans not vote for him. He couldn’t be bothered and much to his opponents surprise he managed to clinch the county rep seat.
What chances and opportunities have you turned down because you were worried about what people were going to say about you?
3. Every Job Has It Challenges
Yes you read right. There’s not a single profession that does not have its own pitfalls. Some are major than others but there are there.
The thing is, you always have a choice, to quit when challenges appear or to hold on?
Mr Gichangi says discipline is what has enabled himself and his coworkers to handle any type of client. He comes face to face with arrogant and disrespectful people in his line of work, drunkards who who vomit on the floor while others deliberately misuse the facility.
Isn’t he an inspiration to all youths out there?


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