Successful interview
  • Check you have read the job advertisement and description if sent before your interview.
  • Ensure you meet the requirements and you have a positive answer for any areas you do not fully meet.
  • Research the company products, staff, culture, clients and competitors.
  • Ensure you know the correct name of your interviewer and job title.
  • Be sure you know the interview procedure; some companies have one-to-one interviews; panel interviews; assessment centres; psychometric testing.
  • View a map and plan your journey in advance, allowing for delayed trains and accidents.
  • Have your CV, references and any additional information requested, to hand.
  • Conservative dress is preferred but check with the culture of the office too – wear smart attire and ensure your shoes are shiny and well kept.
  • Layout your clothing the day before.
  • Read over your CV and make sure you know it back to front.
  • Focus on your achievements when asked interview questions and portray every response in a positive way.
  • Do not interrupt your interviewer and give a steady handshake when entering.
  • Prepare model answers for any tricky questions you believe they may ask you.
  • Prepare your own questions in advance, which might include – What is the department business plan for the next 1 or 5 years? What challenges do you foresee and how do you plan to overcome these? What challenges do you envisage in this role?
  • Unless prompted do not ask what the salary/benefits will be if this is the first interview.
  • You could ask if there are any areas they would like further clarification on at the end – just to be able to have a second opportunity if necessary.
  • Ask the follow up procedure; when you should expect to hear; 2nd or 3rd interviews etc if you are unclear and would like to know.
What to do if you get a second opportunity?
If you feel upon reflection you could have answered a question in a better way or failed to get an important achievement across, why not follow up with a letter thanking the interviewer for their time and reiterate your suitability for the post.

What to do if you are unsuccessful?
If you are unsuccessful in your interview, it is worth a call to request feedback – whilst they are very busy they might oblige and offer you some valuable tips as to where you could have improved.

What to do if you are successful?
Great you have secured a job offer, however, before rushing to resign it is worth requesting and receiving your offer officially by post.